The “Year of Jubilee”

The word ‘Jubilee’ is first used in scripture in Lev 25 vs. 9 and the Hebrew word ‘teruah’ is used.  This has various meanings around a ‘shout for joy’ or as an alarm as in the blowing of trumpets.  (Hence; ‘Yom Teruah’, the festival of trumpets).  In this context it is referring to the ‘shout’ of proclamation by the trumpet on the Day of Atonement.

Later in the next verse 10, it goes on to explain the special ‘shout’ of the fiftieth year, the year of ‘Jubilee’.

This time the Hebrew word “Yovel’ is used, apparently meaning a continuous blast of a horn or more specifically the signal of the silver trumpet, meaning both the instrument and the appointed time that is introduced.  This ‘Jubilee’ year is thereafter explained in Leviticus Chapter 25 vs. 9 – 55, and further in Chapter 27 vs. 17 to 24. (Please read these now if you are not familiar with these texts.)

These are the only direct explanations for the ‘Jubilee’ mentioned in the Scriptures.  It is only mentioned again in Numbers 36 vs. 4.

We do however have an indirect reference to the year of ‘Jubilee’, when Yeshuah gets up to read from the scroll in the synagogue in Luke chapter 4 vs. 18; 19.  “The spirit of YHVH is upon me, because he has appointed Me to bring good news to the poor.  He has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away crushed ones with a release, to proclaim the acceptable year of YHVH.”

This is almost word for word in a direct quote from Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 61 vs1-2a.

This is the greater release of the year of ‘Jubilee’, not only the  setting free of Hebrew slaves, release of debts and land to its original owners, but also the release of people from sickness, blindness and broken-hearts and the forgiveness of sins by YHVH through our saviour and deliverer.

Lev 25 vs. 13: “In the year of this Jubilee let each one of you return to his possession.”  Are we not YHVH’s possession and aught we not return to him??

Further in Luke 4 vs. 21, Yeshuah continues, “Today this scripture has been filled in your hearing.”

It appears then that Yeshuah is proclaiming the year of Jubilee, the year of deliverance and restoration beginning his three year ministry.  This is a specific year, one in every fifty.  “The acceptable Year of YHVH.”

An accurate record of this cycle of fifty years has not been kept so it is hard to calculate where we are today with regard to this. In 1948 the land of Israel went back to the Jews, and this may be a fulfilment of the ‘Jubilee’ and in 1967 Jerusalem was liberated; an even greater restoration and release. 

One of these dates may indeed mark a corresponding Jubilee year in the Scriptural calendar that would reference our modern time frame in the 50 year cycle. Whether we are able to calculate it or not, Yeshuah is also very likely to return on a ‘Jubilee’ with the sound of a ‘trumpet’ and bring about the greatest release and restoration the Earth has ever seen.  It will be the greatest ‘Jubilee’ and rejoicing ever of all time. Approximately one hundred and twenty ‘Jubilee’ years since Adam (120 x50 =6000 years).

Naturally this topic has only just been introduced here and would need a lot of further study to fully understand.  We have not referenced the Jubilee year on our calendar pages as this study is not conclusive at this point in time. Around the time of the Gregorian Year 2000, many Christians, started using the phrase “Year of Jubilee” in quite a liberal sense, not understanding its full meaning.   Many have ‘Proclaimed the Year of Jubilee’ in a sense of rejoicing with fullness before the Almighty.  With all its enthusiasm this is not quite correct. It is not a ‘happy feeling’ but it is a specific kind of ‘Appointed Time’ by YHVH.  The English dictionary usually explains the word ‘Jubilee’ as the Jewish fiftieth year of release sounded by a trumpet, it also goes on to add “any season or condition of great joy and festivity.” This is partly true in that this is a meaning of the word “Jubilee’ in the Hebrew; however this is the English Dictionary’s explanation, not the Scriptural.  This word is only used in context of the fifty year festival as explained in the book of Leviticus, and then only mentioned once ever again, in the book of Numbers. A further confusion results from the similarity of the word ‘Jubilee’ (from the Hebrew ‘Jovel’) to the English word Jubilation, which comes from the Latin ‘Jubilare’ which means to shout for joy.  Again this meaning is very similar however it’s not the same.

In the scriptures “The year of Jubilee” is a special 50 year festival of release and where we are currently in relation to this we are not sure. 

May YHVH reveal this to us in His time.