The Sixth Month (Elul)

The name of the month is first mentioned in Nehemiah 6vs15, but was Babylonian in origin and later adopted into Hebrew. According to tradition, it is believed that the name Elul (In Hebrew spelt: Aleph, Lamed, Vav, Lamed) could also be derived as an acronym from each of the first Hebrew letters of the four words; “Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li”; meaning “I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me”, the famous line from the ‘Song of Songs’ (Ch6vs3). This is also supposed to refer to the love between God and His people. It is a time of repentance and drawing close to Hashem in love. The Rosh Chodesh of Elul is 39 days this year, but some years 40 days from the most sacred day of ‘Yom Kippur’; occurring the following month. This relates to the time of Moses on Mt. Sinai. The importance of this month is in preparation for the times that are to come. The month of Elul has no “Appointed Times” (or Festivals). This is contrasted by the following month, the seventh month, one of the most important of the year. The theme of our prayer during this time should be in returning to our “First Love”, in Yahshuah, and making sure we have oil in our lamps.

The first ‘Appointed Time’ of the next month is Yom Teruah, (The Festival of Trumpets). This comes upon us quite suddenly, as the new moon itself. As you see the crescent, it’s already too late! The new moon was already the day before, but no one could see it. The Appointed Time of which “no man knows the day or the hour.” Consider then that the time in-between the ‘Appointed Times’ is also significant. This time represents the coming of our Messiah!, The King. There will be a time of darkness preceding the coming of the great Light, with the sound of the great trumpet.

Yom Teruah has unfortunately been made the civil New Year of Israel, or “Rosh Hashanah”. This is not in The Scriptures, and obscures the meaning and significance of Yom Teruah. This however is not unlike the truth of the time ahead of which it prophesies. A time of darkness, a time of illusions, false teachings, a false messiah, and a great falling away, “The hearts of many shall grow cold” (see Matthew 24vs12). The illusions will appear very close to the truth, so close that even the very elect may be deceived. (See Matthew 24vs24; Mark 13vs22). The book of Revelation teaches us that only those who “Keep the Commands of Elohim, and have faith in Yeshuah, the Messiah shall overcome. (Rev 12vs17; 14vs12; 22vs14).

Yeshayahu 30vs15; ‘For thus said the Master YHVH, the Set-Apart one of Yisrael, “In returning and rest you are saved, in stillness and trust is your strength”, But you would not…’

We propose to you therefore, that the quiet month of Elul represents a significant meditation. In the quietness, hold steadfast to the faith in obedience. In the quietness, draw close in the spirit to the stillness of the Almighty. In the quietness, find your resting place on the rock of the foundation, so that; when that great day comes, and the mighty shofar sounds, you will not be shaken, but drawn, rejoicing.