The Seventh Month (Ethanim or Tishrei)

This month begins with the only “Appointed Time” of the year on a new moon (aside from the ‘Rosh Chodesh’, happening every month).

This special appointed time is called “Yom Teruah”, or the Festival of Trumpets. As the moon is hidden, it is also know as “Yom Ha’keseh”, the “Concealed Day”, the event of which “no man knows the day nor the hour.”

This was of course before modern advancements in astronomy. We have however, in place of the unknown, such a vast range of opinions, as discussed in earlier notes, just among even the Messianic congregations, that certainly not all can agree on the absolute correct day or hour. We feel that this is deliberately so. The Almighty wants us to seek him. Feeling that we have everything neatly ordered, and under control, is a very dangerous place to be spiritually. It is an untrue perception. This particular festival highlights this aspect of our observance of the appointed times. This is the one appointment that we cannot be sure we are observing on the correct day, (if we are deeply honest that is, as some may tell you that they know better). Yeshuah tells us ‘Watch therefore, because you do not know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Adam is coming,” (Matt 25 vs13).We are called to continual prayer, alertness, study of the word and service to one another in love, at all times ready to give answer to anyone who asks of us, especially the One who will ask our whole life of us, having given us life.

Again, as discussed earlier, there are some who believe that the moon needs to be sighted in Jerusalem. This is more historically correct, it is not wrong, but neither is using known astronomy wrong. They are both right. We hope that there would be no division between people actually trying to obey Elohim, in a world where most people deny His existence, let alone seek repentance, and righteousness. We feel strongly that to avoid confusion, and division, over matters of minor detail, it is better to go along with the accepted Jewish calendar. This decision has rested well thus far.

The first of Tishrey is traditionally believed to be the day of Adam’s creation, and therefore ours and as such celebrated as the civil New Year (Rosh Hashanah). This is not according to Scripture, but according to tradition, and recent study has shown this may well be wrong. Even if this is the date of mankind’s creation, Exodus 12v2 clearly instructs that Aviv be the beginning of the year (so that 1st Nisan is really Rosh Hashanah. No grey area on this point).

The 10th day of Tishrey, (or Ethanim, 1Kings 8vs2), is the sacred Day of Atonement. It is the only commanded day of fasting in the Scriptures. Seek YHVH on this day, and set it apart. Some suggested scripture to read about the Day of Atonement: Leviticus 16vs1-34; 23vs27-32; Zechariah 3vs9; Leviticus 25vs9-10; Romans 5vs11; Numbers 15vs15-31; Hebrews 9vs7-15; 10vs18-23.Set Apart is the sanctification by the Blood of Yeshuah. The period of time between “The Festival of Trumpets”, and “The Day of Atonement”, is referred to as” The Days of Awe”, a sacred time of repenting, a time to make right, to forgive and ask forgiveness,  preparing one’s heart for "Yom Kippur”. Then comes the exciting, happy and joyful festival of Succoth, or Tabernacles, remembrance of the dwelling in tents or huts, looking at the stars, and remembering the humble birth of our King, The Messiah. Please look this up; there is much teaching on this, you will be amazed when it is revealed to you, the pattern in Yahshauh’s birth in Tabernacles. (Note; ‘Simchat Torah’ is often celebrated on the day of ‘Shemini Atzeret’)

Scriptures on this festival are many. See at least Wayyiqra (Lev) 23vs33-44.

These important days speak of the Messiah concealed in; the beginning, the time in the wilderness, and the end, the great Feast yet to come. In the middle is the beginning and the end, the Aleph and the Tav, the birth the death and the resurrection that was before the foundation of the world, and is yet to be, fully Tabernacled among us.