The Return of the Messiah

This calendar is intending to deepen the study and understanding of the follows of YHVH.  It is not in itself a prediction table of the return of Yeshuah the Messiah.

Yeshuah teaches us, via his answer to his disciples’ question in Matthew ch24vs3; “Say to us, when shall this be, and what is the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” As part of His prophetic answer, He includes; vs. 15; “So when you see the ‘abomination that lays waste’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up in the Set-Apart place” – he who reads, let him understand….’ This refers to Daniel 9 vs. 27; 11 vs. 31 and 12vs11, prophecies which had already been fulfilled during the time of the Maccabees, and remembered by the institution of the festival of Chanukah.  Here Yeshuah uses these prophecies of Daniel as a sign of His coming, and of the end of the age. He opens our eyes to see, that Chanukah is not only a remembrance, but also a prophetic enactment of a much greater event yet to occur. In Jochannan 10vs22; “At that time the Chanukah (Feast of Dedication) came to be in Yerushalayim and it was winter. And Yahshuah was walking in the Set-Apart place, in the porch of Sh’lomoh.”

The comparisons between the books of Daniel, Maccabees (Chanukah/Dedication) and the book of Revelation would not be so conclusive were it not for Yeshuah Himself drawing this parallel, as an important sign to His followers yet to be born, this teaching from Yahshuah Himself.

Matt 24vs15b; “-he who reads, let him understand-“

However, you are very unlikely to understand such things as the timing of the return of the King if you do not thoroughly and deeply understand all that is contained in these calendars pages.

In the approximate words of Yaakov Prasch, a modern Jewish Bible teacher and follower of the messiah;

“Why would the Lord reveal any great revelation to someone who wasn’t very interested in studying what the Lord had already revealed to the prophets of old? Study your Bible, thoroughly, and then ask God to speak to you if you want more. But be careful, there is no new revelation, Jesus Christ is the revelation of God, who died to take away the sins of the world and raise us with him to eternal life.”

Dewey Bruton has a presentation called “Daniels Timeline” which digs deeply into the Word of God and the prophecy relating to the return of our Lord and saviour.  We do not wish to comment on whether his conclusions are true or not, as this indeed time will tell. 

We do however recommend viewing his presentation as it will at least reveal to you the level of study required to even begin understanding such matters and suggest that you do not enter conflicting debates, either for or against, with persons who lack such thorough Bible knowledge nor who are overflowing with the Holy Spirit.

Those persons who have both of these qualities will show the fruits of love, patience, kindness and humility, always seeking a unity amongst those who truly believe, submitting unto our Father in Heaven with all reverence.

But be encouraged by Amos 3 vs. 7:

“For the Master YHVH does not matter unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets.”