The New Year Begins: Aviv or Tishri?

 Aviv is the First month of the Scriptural year according to the word of YHVH.

“This month is the beginning of months for you; it is the first month of the year for you.”- Exodus 12:2. “Today you are going out, in the month ‘The Aviv’,”.
The 1st of this month should really be “Rosh Hashanah”, the “Head of the Year”, according to the instruction of Elohim in the Scriptures. By tradition, the 1st of Tishrey, the Seventh month, is called “Rosh Hashanah”, the “Head of the Year”. Before this New Year instruction at the Exodus, it is believed that the New Year did begin with Tishrey, in the autumn, the beginning of the agricultural cycle. It is also believed, by tradition that the creation of Adam was in the month of Tishri, which means; ‘beginning’, but recent study has shown that this is not likely to be correct. Traditions acknowledged, but if necessary put aside, the objectives of this calendar, is to present to you, the instructions of YHVH’s calendar, of appointed festivals, as accurately as can be determined, according to ‘His’ command, in the Sacred Scriptures. The 1st of the First Month (Aviv) is Rosh Hashanah. The 1st of the Seventh Month (Tishri) is Yom Teruah. Yom Teruah, a festival mysterious in itself, of profound prophetic importance, is further obscured by disobedience to the word, when renamed according to the ‘old way’, prior to deliverance.