The Millennium

The return of the King, with the sound of the ‘Shofar’, would not only proclaim the one hundred and twentieth ‘Jubilee’ year, but also proclaim the end of the age of six thousand years and the Day of the Lord, of rest. (Note: there are various days of the Lord’s).

This is mentioned in the Scriptures in Psalm 90 vs. 4: “For a thousand years in Your eyes are like yesterday that has past...”

And in 2 Peter 3 vs. 8:

“But, beloved ones, let not this one matter be hidden from you: that with YHVH one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. “

The predominant concept of “The Millennium”, a thousand years of peace on earth, is derived from the book of the Revelation of Jochannan.

In Rev 20vs 2; Satan is bound for a thousand years and in verse 3:”until the thousand years were ended.” And in Rev 20 vs. 3c we read; “And they lived and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years” until vs. 5; “the thousand years were ended.”

This is repeated in verse 6 and 7 until in the release of the evil one, before the judgement to come. This thousand years seems to be like a long Sabbath, the seventh “day of the Lord” the seventh thousand year, beginning with an extended 120th Jubilee year;  The acceptable year of YHVH?