The lunar Sabbath

A recent doctrinal suggestion has entered mostly Messianic circles (rather than traditional Christianity or orthodox Judaism) that the true and original Sabbath day observance followed the lunar cycle. It has been suggested that the observance of the new moon crescent not only be the first day of the month, but also become the first day of the week. According to this suggestion, Sabbaths would therefore be celebrated on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day of each month leaving an irregular week before the first day of the following month (and the new week). Biblically and historically speaking there is not a tremendous amount of evidence for either proposing this new system (supposedly the true ancient way) nor to defend the current status quo which has been assumed unbroken by most. However, we do have an example in the New Testament account of Yeshua having been crucified before the evening of Passover which would have been the 14th day of the month, being hurriedly buried before the end of that day, followed immediately by the evening of the Passover, the high holy Sabbath on the 15th day of the month, and rising from the dead three days later on the 1st day of the week (the 18th day of the month), which was naturally after the weekly Sabbath which therefore would have been the 17th day of the month that year. We can clearly see here then from scripture that the weekly Sabbath cycle of 7 days was distinctly different from the monthly cycle of days. From these scriptures - Mark 15 vs. 42; Luke 23 vs. 54-56 and John 19 vs. 42 - it is clear that the lunar Sabbath was not practiced at this time and in fact that there is no biblical evidence that it ever was.