The Hebrew day ending at sunset

In Genesis 1 vs. 5b its says,” And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the first day”. The scriptural day according to this word and ever after, has begun with the evening first.   Then when the sun goes down it is the end of the day.  Simple enough?  Rest first and then work begins at sunrise.

Man was created on the sixth day and then entered the Sabbath rest on the seventh.

The Gregorian calendar however divides its days at midnight of the 24 hours per day cycle. This is convenient for going to bed on one day and waking up on the next day.   If you were to be up all night however you would see no natural occurrence in the celestial that would indicate the end of one day and the beginning of another in the middle of the darkness of night.  Even if wonders are to appear amongst the stars, they wouldn’t necessarily happen at midnight.