The Calendar will change

As mentioned in the notes regarding the thirteenth month, there is a supposed imbalance that may be rectified during the tribulation and the end of the age being sorted out for the thousand years of restoration. We now have a lunar cycle 29 days, 12 hours, and 44 minutes and a solar cycle of 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes.

We can assume that the order will be restored in the final days as restoration comes before the return of the Messiah. We have the prophecy in the book of

Revelation 11:2-3. The comparison of 42 months (the time of the Gentiles) with 1260 days, (the time of the two witnesses) corresponds exactly with 30 days per month. We also have mentioned in the Book of Revelation 8 vs. 12 a cutting short of the days and nights. 

All these things could radically effect the calendar as we know it, yet we look forward to the days that all will be straightened out.