The blood moons

As alluded to in our introductions, the blood moons have recently become a major topic of interest. They are an astronomical occurrence of a special and rare kind of lunar eclipse where the suns rays pass through the earth’s atmosphere, casting a shadow of the air rather than of the earth itself on the moon, refracting the suns light in such a way that it causes the moon to be illuminated with a reddish glow. These events are occurring in a sequence of four, two this year and another two along with a solar eclipse next year, both around Passover and Sukkot. Though these blood moon eclipses might well be biblically significant they do not occur precisely on Passover or the high holy day of Sukkot, but occur the day before and are also not visible from Jerusalem. There has been a large amount of Christian media attention on this topic and we hope to present more information on this next year.