The Age of the Earth

This calendar adopts the year 6023, and dates this from Adam, confidently within about three years or so.  Of this we believe by faith, that the account handed down through the generations is true.  If the Earth was indeed created in six days, prior to Adam, then this certainly does not effect our estimation of the age of the Earth.

Some propose that the earth is older using the Scripture verse; “A day is a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years as a day”

We could say then that this means that the Earth was created over six thousand years.  Perhaps then Adam lived for nearly a thousand years in the garden, ageless before sinning and his days towards his death were only counted from then on. Even then this would age the earth at approximately thirteen thousand years, relatively young compared to the millions of years that some propose.

We do not know, nor claim to know the age of the Earth. We believe that the word of the Scriptures is true.  We do not believe any others. Six thousand years is still a very long time ago and our lives; “are but as grass, here today and gone tomorrow”.

For all the others we recommend that you study the vast range of creation science information available, the most entertaining being Kent Hovind.