
Shalom and welcome to this presentation of what is a very ancient calendar system.

Recent and widespread interest amongst biblical believers in the astronomical occurrence of the so-called tetrad of blood moons has created a broader spectrum of interest in the ancient Jewish calendar. Whilst this event in itself is alluded to briefly in notes of this calendar, the main purpose of this publication is to help towards a better understanding of the basic framework in which these events occur.

For thousands of years there has always been a remnant following the cycles of the sun, moon and stars, relating to the seasons, days weeks and years, all according to a very special way; distinctly according to the Scriptures, the Word of the Eternal Spirit, of whom we write with humble reverence; as the One who has answered mankind; “I am

Whoever you are, and whatever your opinions, we hope that you receive the following information with a spirit of peace. Yet please note that we are not trying here to convince you. The primary objective of this project is to provide accurate information and guidance to those who already believe that the Scriptures from the book of Genesis, to the book of Revelation are the Divine Word of the Almighty Creator, and that all of it is still true, valid, and relevant today.

In the Beginning; “ Elohim said, “Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years,…” Bereshith/Gen 1:14.

This is a Divine command that the sun, moon and stars be for signs, seasons and time keeping.

Although a calendar in the form we know it today (written on paper, relating numbered days of the month, to days of the week), was not necessarily used in ancient Scriptural times by the Hebrews, a complex calendar of months and days was none the less observed and followed. In order to follow the appointed times of the Almighty, in order to keep our appointments, the use of a written calendar, in this form, is of indisputable benefit.

The current Jewish calendar of today has accumulated many traditions. Also it has not taken the New Covenant Scripture into account, relating to the calculation of certain appointed times, and therefore contains certain inaccuracies. Also, in order that a Jewish community may relate to the world around them, it is often overlaid upon the Gregorian calendar.

The Gregorian (or Greco-Roman) Calendar, used by almost all the world, (certainly the “Western”) is Pagan. It does not at all follow the Scriptural instruction of the Almighty's “Appointed Times”, nor claims to.

It is evident therefore that the Body of the Messiah, the worshippers of the Mighty One, the Elohim of Israel, are in need of an accurate calendar that follows the Scriptural instruction. It is also necessary that it be practical and relevant to us in this day and age. The calendar should follow that which is commonly used by Jews within the Land of Israel, (as per A. Spier, see bibliography), as far as is possible. Yet maintain parallel accuracy with the Scripture.

The Jewish year 5773-5774 (for example), is considered to be inaccurate by many scholars. Dr. F.N. Jones, in his book “The Chronology of the Old Testament” suggests approximately some 243 years have been omitted, which would bring us to about 6016. This is based upon a scholarly research of the Scripture. This error is considered to be historically mathematical, but was secretly doctrinal to prevent the prophecy of Daniel 9:23-27, pointing to Yahshuah. As this knowledge is now readily available, we feel to present as accurate a time keeper as possible regarding the year since Adam was formed from the dust of the earth and Elohim breathed into him the Spirit of Life.

The principal format will be that as it is according to Scripture, yet relevant enough to those familiar with either Jewish or Gregorian Calendars, by means of smaller print for the  Jewish Traditional names of months, and a small numeric reference to the corresponding date according to the Gregorian Calendar. Reading from right to left, following the Hebrew as the principal Scriptural language.

During about the Fourth Century after the Ascension of the Messiah, the Jews being dispersed, Rabbi Hillel the 2nd initiated the advanced calculation of the calendar to preserve the unity of Israel's observance of the New Moons and Appointed Times.

The increased knowledge of astronomy has been primarily used in the determining of dates, as per Arthur Spier’s: “The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar”, (upon which the Jewish calendar and this calendar are based). The Scriptures ordain astronomy as being the determining factor; (see Gen 1:14: “Let lights…be for…appointed times…days and years”.

Saul in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians encourages the Believers to use new and better ways (2 Cor 5:17): “Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a renewed creature- the old matters have passed away, see, all matters have become renewed!” Also Lev 26:10: “And you shall eat the old supply, and clear out the old because of the new.” And Yeshuah teaches us in Matt 13:52: “…Therefore every scholar of Scripture taught in the reign of the Heavens is like a householder who brings out of his treasure matters, renewed, and old.”

Another matter is that of the day ending, and a new one beginning at sunset. A natural division, created by the Almighty, and easy for all to determine. Days are therefore marked on the calendar as beginning with evening “..evening,… and… morning, the first day.” (Gen 1:5b). A small numeral is underwritten to relate to the Gregorian calendar days, dividing at 12pm, midnight.

The Sod Haibbur (the Calendar Council) of old and Beth Din (the Council of Judges) of today, also follow numerous rules, which include ‘Dehioth’ (or postponements). These we feel need revision, as some are perhaps valid, in the absence of precise detail in the Scriptures, while others are not, and deviate from the Scriptures, in order to uphold tradition.

We are called of the Almighty to follow His appointed times.

The “Appointed Times”, (or Festivals) written of many times in Scripture, are listed in Wayyiqra/Leviticus 23 (Lev 23:1-44).

Weekly Sabbaths and festival Sabbaths, are depicted by night shaded in purple, and daytime by yellow highlighter, (differentiating them from ordinary days, grey for night, and blue for day), and half Holidays or other special days, the daytime shaded orange.

The calendar may be likened to a spine onto which the skeleton of the Torah is attached.

A skeleton by itself, is not only lifeless, but is the very symbol of death.

However, body without a strong bone structure, can not stand.

“The life of the flesh is in the blood”, Lev 17:11; It is the blood that makes atonement (see Hebrews 9:22).

Yeshuah teaches us in the book of Yohannan/John 6:63:

“It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh does not profit at all. The words that I speak to you are Spirit and are Life.”