
May we be humbled before Elohim, in all matters. In the pursuit of the knowledge of the times and the seasons of the Almighty’s ‘appointed Times”, days and years, may we remember:

Iyob/Job 28:12; “And wisdom – where is it found? And where is the place of understanding? “

Job 28:28: “And He said to man; ‘See, the fear of YHVH, that is wisdom, and to turn from evil is understanding.’”

Prov. 3:5; “Trust in YHVH with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”

Acts 1:7: “And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father put in His own authority.”

1 Cor. 13:9; “For we know in part and we prophesy in part.”

The Almighty wants us to seek him. Feeling that we have everything neatly ordered, and under control, is a very dangerous place to be spiritually. May we not loose the childlike joy and amazement at the mystery of the golden sunrise and the glory of the crimson sunset. May we wonder at the phases of the moon, and praise the Almighty Creator from this beautiful earth, our temporal home.