
First of all we see the celestial bodies (the sun, moon, stars etc) from a geocentric point of view.  This means we are at the centre and we see everything moving around us.  I’m sure you will agree, without getting philosophical, that is the only way that we can see things.  We are taught however in schools by modern science that the explanation for all these things is a heliocentric model ‘Helios’ means sun and ‘Centric’ centre. We have all seen the solar system models and our place in the galaxy on a supposed photograph.  But what we are not told is that these are merely theories.

The scriptures question, even taunt man’s ability to measure the heavens” (See Isaiah 40 vs 12)

There are modern scientific books on the Geocentric (‘Geo’ means Earth ‘centric’ means centre) model such as the writings by Gerardus D. Bouw, amongst others (See Bibliography.) Regardless of all this or whatever the facts may be, we still have to observe all these things from our point of view.  This has been further narrowed to Jerusalem’s point of view.  Jerusalem interestingly, upon a rough visible examination of the globe, seems to more or less equally divide the land mass of the earth north of it from the south of it, and also seems to equally divide the land mass east of it from west of it. It is not only spiritually but also geographical the centre of the earth’s surface and it is from here that the celestial rhythms were observed from ancient times, for the determining of the new moons and years.

It was to this place that the star lead the wise men from the East.